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When did you last test and research?

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Have you got the latest information on your market, do you know what really works for them?

We listen, research, understand, gain insight and are proactive.

Mulberry work with a fantastic research partner to utilise multiple research and profiling tools to build a comprehensive picture of current customers. This informs further research programmes that enable us to establish clear profile groups that have a strong propensity to convert into new customers. From this we create innovative multi-channel campaigns that clearly communicate your business’s KSPs (Key Selling Points).

Detailed profiling also enable us to target long tail leads.

We create interest within the sector and target similar user groups using affinity marketing.

We care, plan for the future, nurture, innovate and evolve.

The key to achieving high levels of customer satisfaction is to recognise customers at risk of leaving the purchasing journey at an early stage. By building a clear picture of each individual’s journey we recognise and target those customers to tempt them back.

Customer retention programmes include targeted, automated and triggered communications via multiple media channels.

All data generated by these activities is collected and then fed back into the system, enriching customer knowledge and enabling us to refine your campaigns.

If you would like help researching and understanding your customers, drop us a line.


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